Unbelievable! I started getting 29% better gas mileage after using ZP-700 Engine Oil Treatment in my ‘87 Nissan.
Steve G., Connecticut
My family has been using ZP-700 Engine Oil Treatment for over 15 years now with the following results: Buick wagon – 400,000 miles; Cadillac – 330,000 miles; Toyota – 150,000 miles.
John C., Texas
The aircraft powered by Pratt and Whitney engines had turned into a mechanic’s nightmare. With use of ZP-700 Engine Oil Treatment there was no further loss of cylinders due to valve guide wear and engine life was extended approximately 50%.
George S., Ohio
The diesel in my ‘85 Volvo was somewhat noisy until using your ZP-700 Engine Oil Treatment. What amazed me more than the noise level reduction was the 175 rpm increase in engine idle and the 24% increase in fuel mileage.
William B., Arizona